

Websites Price
Create (with your images and texts) 590 £ / 700 € / 710 CHF
Coversion (with your images and texts) 590 £ / 700 € / 710 CHF
Create (without your images and texts) 870 £ / 1.000 € / 1.020 CHF
Conversion (without your images and texts) 870 £ / 1.000 € / 1.020 CHF
Landing- and sales pages 290 £ / 300 € / 310 CHF
Websites - Analysis 240 £ / 250 € / 280 CHF
Administration at cost

Social Media Price
Company page per account (without your images and texts) 140 £ / 150 € / 180 CHF
Texts and images at cost

Affiliate Connections Price
Publishers (users of offers) 140 £ / 150 € / 180 CHF
Vendor (with your products) 290 £ / 300 € / 310 CHF
Other connections at cost

Landingpages and email marketing Price
Landing- and sales pages 290 £ / 300 € / 310 CHF
Email marketing at cost

Imprint and data protection Price
Create (entirely outside the EU) 290 £ / 300 € / 310 CHF
Create (completely according to EU-DSGVO) 100 £ / 100 € / 130 CHF
Create Imprint (outside the EU) 150 £ / 150 € / 180 CHF
Create Imprint (EU) 39 £ / 40 € / 45 CHF
Create data protection (outside the EU) 190 £ / 200 € / 220 CHF
Create data protection (EU) 100 £ / 100 € / 130 CHF

Images, banners and logos Price
Create and edit images (per Image) 45 £ / 50 € / 55 CHF
Banner / 3 sizes (per banner) 100 £ / 100 € / 130 CHF
Logo / 2 sizes (per logo) 100 £ / 100 € / 130 CHF

Newsletter, chat room and email marketing Price
Set up newsletters 150 £ / 150 € / 180 CHF
Set up chat room 100 £ / 100 € / 130 CHF
Set up email marketing 190 £ / 200 € / 220 CHF
Free Software Free
Paid Software According to provider

SEO Price
SEO and website optimization at cost

Analysis tools Price
Google Analytics 320 £ / 350 € / 390 CHF
PHP Web Stat 290 £ / 300 € / 310 CHF

Team website Preis
Create (just a simple website) 290£ / 300 € / 310 CHF
Create including chat 360 £ / 400 € / 450 CHF
Create including chat and newsletter dispatch at cost

Projects Price
Own individual website according to the offer
Own online shop according to the offer

Further information Price
Offer, suggestions, examples Free
Effort per hour 100 £ / 100 € / 130 CHF
Technical advice per hour 100 £ / 100 € / 130 CHF
Special smartphone adjustments at cost

Software and tools Price
You must purchase the software and tools and they will then be installed under your Name. free / chargeable

Business cards Preis
Create (per Business card) 30.- € / 35.- CHF
The prices does not include the printing costs. on demand

All prices are exclusive of VAT and apply to Germany, Austria, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

I would be happy to send you samples, templates and layouts. Please send me a message via the contact form!

The General Terms and Conditions.

To discuss your wishes, you are welcome to make an appointment with me in advance via the contact form.

By asking

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